
O’Hare Limo Services is known as the best and most trustworthy limousine and transportation company in the entire Chicago area. We are promising one of the top Chicago airport limousine transportation services to and from O’Hare international airport and Chicago midway international airport. Our drivers go through rigorous training, background checked, chauffeur licensed and are drug tested.



  • (773) 992-9999
  • airportlimo@oharelimoservices.com
  • 9536 Foster Ave B Chicago, IL 60656
FIND US: 9536 Foster
Ave, Suite 100, Chicago, IL 60656


Do You Need a Vehicle To Live In Chicago?

Many of Chicago’s neighbourhoods provide inhabitants with all the comforts of small towns. You can either walk or ride a bike to buy groceries, supper, or conduct errands. Plus, many individuals have drastically cut back on or completely stopped using their cars as more and more people work from home.

Pros of Owning a Car in Chicago

  • Your automobile is valuable when you need to pick something up or transport it yourself.
  • If you regularly travel outside public transit, your automobile is available.
  • You could feel more independent.

Moreover, it is good to own a car For All Your Transportation Needs. Cons to Owning a Car in Chicago

  • Your vehicle must have valid licence plates, be registered, and be insured even if you aren’t using it.
  • It can be challenging for free on the street, which is only sometimes straightforward. You might have to make do with a location many blocks from your home.
  • Depending on the area, dedicated spaces and garages cost hundreds of dollars each month if you don’t want to park your car on the street.
  • Winter parking can be complicated since you must work around some areas’ snowploughing schedules.
  • Always anticipate getting stuck in traffic because it might be bad all day.
  • You face the chance of having your car broken into or stolen. Crime may occur in any city or area, most of which is a crime of opportunity. Never leave valuables in your car when it is parked on the street. 

How to Get Around Chicago Without a Car

Here are several methods to navigate around Chicago without a car if you don’t want to deal with its hassles:

  • Take the elevated train, often known as the “L.” The L can transport you to anywhere in the Chicago metropolitan area, including downtown, the lakefront museums, sporting venues, O’Hare, Midway, and Union Station airports.
  • Take a bus.
  • Purchase a bike or visit one of the many bike rental locations in the city.
  • Make use of a ride-sharing service. The applications must first be downloaded to your phone.
  • Take a cab. 

So, Do You Need a Car in Chicago?

Are you still debating whether Chicago requires cars? Consider your destination, intended vehicle use, and anticipated driving frequency. So, if you are in Chicago and do not own a car, please get in touch with Limo Service in Chicago to solve all your transport-related problem.

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